Colour Analysis
We Will Make You Shine - Colour Analysis South Africa
If all colours are made up of the 3 primary colours, then our skin, contains these colours. Research has revealed that some people have a strong blue pigmentation and others lean to a more yellow pigmentation. So based on your undertone, you will look best in colours that are either yellow or blue based.
Your skin, hair and eyes react to the colours around them, absorbing colours that match your skins undertone and reflecting colours that oppose it. Making you look good in some colours and dull in others.
When you wear clothes, makeup, hair exactly matching the colours you already are, it is 100% guaranteed and proven that you will look, feel and present better.
The SCI / ART system is based on the science of natural colour harmony, accurate interpretation of the Munsell Colour System, full spectrum light theory, human physiology and psychology.
The blue top casts a dark shadow onto her face, while the green top lights up her complexion, giving her a healthy glow.
The green top brings out the yellow pigmentation of her face, making her facial features appear flat. While the blue top brings out the blue pigmentation of her face, making her facial features sharp.
Wearing the right colours
- Your clothes will harmonize with your skin, hair and eyes.
- Your faces will therefore appear fresher, softer and younger.
- Your natural beauty will be enhanced.
Wearing the wrong colours
- Your clothes reflection will cast a shadow onto your face, causing you to look pale and, tired.
- Wrong colours will make wrinkles appear deeper, blemishes stand out.
- Your complexion looks uneven in colour.
- The colour you’re wearing will be the outstanding feature instead of you.
- Once you understand the right colours and styles for you, you will buy only what suits you when you go shopping. The result will be a more coordinated wardrobe.
- Saving you money, as you will no longer make costly mistakes.
- Saving you time, as you will be able to tell in a few minutes whether what a shop has to offer suits you.
- You will gain confidence from knowing that what you wearing flatter you.
You Will Receive:
- A swatch set containing 28 of your best colours – fits into your handbag
- A booklet containing everything we discussed in your consultation
- Which 1 of 12 different colour groups you are
- Your required Contrast Level(s) for clothes and hair colour
- Make up recommendations
- Accessory recommendations
- Safe colours anyone can wear
- How to bend the rules of colour
- Psychology of colour
- How to wear black for your season
- Discover the link between Your Personality and Your Colouring
- Your Hair Colour options
- Your best contrast level
Is This The same Analysis As The 80'S?
NO, the 80’s colour craze was the 4 Season Colour Theory (winter, spring, summer, and autumn) was not complete. It only focused on two aspects: whether a person was warm or cool, and whether they were light or dark. While this analysis worked perfectly for a quarter of the population, there were many more that it didn’t work as well for.
Our Sci/Art colour system is made up of 12 seasons. It is the first personal colour system in South Africa to accurately include all three dimensions of colour including hue, value and chroma.